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186101 (HS2161) Technical English I Lecture Notes Instructions

To remeber
Forming instructions is an art in all the fields. You should write an instruction by using imperative sentences. Subject should not be there in a sentence. It is better to write short sentences for the “notes”, “tips” etc.

1. Don’t smoke…..
2. Don’t touch……
3. Open only…….
4. Wear apron…..
5. Handle………
6. Rinse………
7. Get ready……
8. Never aboard……
9. Move away…..
10. Form a queue……

Write instructions to be followed by pedestrians
1.       Walk on the pavement or keep to the extreme left of the road.
2.       Use subways; though long they are safe.
3.       Avoid crossing suddenly.
4.       Don’t walk on the road dividers.
5.       Don’t ignore traffic signals; they are meant for your safety.
6.       Cross the road only at Zebra crossing.
7.       Look on either side to make sure that the road is clear from fast moving vehicles.
8.       Avoid using mobile phone while walking.
9.       Be sober. Don’t be under the influence of liquor or drugs.
10.   Be familiar with the rule of the road and traffic signals.
11.   Be careful. Don’t drive in a distracted manner.
1. Write a set of eight instructions to save the earth.
2. Write instructions in a chemical engineering lab.
3. Write  a set eight instructions to save petrol.