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186101 (HS2161) Technical English I Lecture Notes ACTIVE VOICE AND PASSIVE VOICE

Active voice and Passive voice
We usually talk about some happenings. The happenings or actions involve two people or things--- one that performs the action and one that is affected by the action. Generally , we make the performer of the action  the subject of the verb; the other person or thing is made the object of the verb; the other person or thing is made the object of the verb; However, to focus on the person or thing affected by an action, we change the construction--- the object becomes the subject of the passive form of the verb. For example, we can express the same action in either ways as in “Somebody has stolen my watch” and “My watch has been stolen by watch by somebody” depending on whether we want to talk about somebody or the watch.  

            The passive form is largely used in scientific writing, to describe procedures, processes, etc where the action is of prime importance than the doer.
 Passive structure is formed by using an appropriate tense of “be” followed by the past participle of the verb.
(i.e)   I achieve the target.
         The target is achieved by me.
a.       Change the subject and the object
b.      Use always past participle
c.       Present tense--- use is or am or are
d.      Past  tense -----use  was or were
e.      Add by in front of the doer
f.        Future tense-----use shall be or will be
I maintain punctuality.
He is driving the car.
We have won the match.
I gave the apple.
I shall announce the news. 
We shall have accepted the letter.
We were thinking you.
She had purchased this
You did this.
They broke the door. 
B. Open  the door----Let the door be opened
   Help the poor ----Let the poor be helped
If it is impersonal passive voice, we omit the doer of the particular action.
For instance,
      I take the opportunity
    The opportunity is taken (by me is not necessary here).  
1. In fact, it is easier than passive voice.We need not bother about the doer of the action; Whatever it may be we may leave and write the rest of the sentence. 
2. In order to change from passive to active the same rules should be reversed